NOTE: There are hyperlinks in this article

Some background first

In 2019, former MCCSS Minister Lisa MacLeod introduced Childhood Budgets – yearly funding to help families support autistic children and youth. However, these Childhood Budgets were fraught with problems. They were based on age and income (which was later removed) instead of individual needs. Not surprisingly, families and supporters protested. The government backtracked, Lisa was eventually removed as MCCSS Minister and it was announced that they would work on developing a new “needs based” OAP. However, Childhood Budgets continued to roll out.

In December 2019, current MCCSS Minister, Todd Smith, announced that eligible waitlisted families would be applying for Interim One Time Funding instead of Childhood Budgets. The amounts and eligible expenses remained the same. Presumably, the name change was to indicate that the funding was “interim” – meaning that it was only to support families until they can be transitioned into the new “needs based” program.

Those who received Childhood Budgets are able to transition to Interim One Time Funding by completing the combined Childhood Budget Expense Form / IOTF Application and signing a Funding Agreement. More details are here

Until recently, those who received just the Interim One Time Funding were left wondering what happens next.

On February 3rd, it was announced that Interim One Time Funding would be getting their funding “renewed” (i.e. get an additional payment). But, further details about this were not given at the time. The screen cap below is from the Ministry website

The Expense Form has since been updated. There is now an option to apply for this additional payment. This screen cap is the second screen of the Expense Form (if you’ve selected Interim One Time Funding in the previous screen). Keep in mind that you can’t apply before your funding period is done (which is 1 year or up to 18 months if needed)

At the time of writing, the Ministry website itself had not yet been updated to reflect this change

EDIT: The MCCSS website was finally updated on March 31st. See it here

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