ABAApplied Behaviour Analysis
ABLLS-R Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills (Revised)
ACSDAssistance for Children with Severe Disabilities
ADOSAutism Diagnostic Observation Schedule
AIPAutism Intervention Program (2006-2017)
AOAutism Ontario
AODAAccessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act

BACBBehavior Analysis Certification Board
BCBABoard Certified Behaviour Analyst
BCBA-DBoard Certified Behaviour Analyst – Doctoral
BCaBABoard Certified Assistant Behaviour Analyst
BIPBehaviour Intervention Plan (also known as BSP)
BSPBehaviour Support Plan

CDA Communicative Disorders Assistant
CICClinician-in-Charge (also known as Clinical Supervisor)

DFODirect Funding Option (service option under the AIP or Liberal OAP/Legacy Program)
DSODirect Service Option (service option under the AIP or Liberal OAP/Legacy Program) or Developmental Services Ontario
DTCDisability Tax Credit

EAEducational Assistant (may be called ERW or TA in other school boards)
ERWEducation Resource Worker (may be called EA or TA on other boards)

FAFunctional Analysis
FBAFunctional Behaviour Assessment

IBIIntensive Behavioural Intervention (also known as comprehensive ABA)
IEPIndividual Education Plan
IPRCIdentification, Placement and Review Committee
ISPIndividual Service Plan/Individual Support Plan
ITInstructor Therapist


OAPOntario Autism Program
ODSPOntario Disability Support Program
OHRCOntario Human Rights Commission
OHRTOntario Human Rights Tribunal
OTOccupational Therapist/Occupational Therapy

PPMPolicy/Program Memorandum (i.e. PPM 140)

RBTRegistered Behaviour Technician
RDSPRegistered Disability Savings Plan

SEASpecial Equipment Amount
SEACSpecial Education Advisory Committee
SEGSpecial Education Grant
SEPPASpecial Education Per Pupil Amount
SIPSpecial Incidence Portion
SLPSpeech Language Pathologist
SNASpecial Needs Assistant (TDSB)
SSAHSpecial Services At Home
STSenior Therapist

TATeaching Assistant (may be called EA or ERW in other school boards)

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